Monthly Archives: July 2015

Hidden gems: Sentinel Rock

Coming to NZ was a revelation for me in many aspects. Not did I only realise that I knew much less about our planet and the progress of globalisation than I thought, I also underestimated that travelling around the world is more a trend these days rather than an exception. Excuse my early naivety, but I really didn’t expect that many European, North American and other youngsters, let alone all the “standard” tourists when I came here…only to find that apparently half the world has made its way to Australia and NZ. Despite being one of them, often I would get annoyed by my own people or hordes of tourists in general, since I came to “escape” them! No, I’m not anti-social, but sometimes I prefer to be in unspoiled places not or only less known to the public. Continue reading

On the way through NZ, part 11: Picton and the Marlborough Sounds

It is a majestic feeling: Standing on the deck of the Interislander Ferry, which transports around one million people per year, and seeing the Marlborough Sounds coming closer every minute. Most people think the South Island beats the North Island in terms of natural beauty, and I’m no exception – I was pretty much in love with it already when I started reading about all the places and what they would feature. As already implied in the Wellington post, there’s no need for me to repeat all the things other NZ travel blogs, tourism operators etc. already provide; this is just a recap of my experiences (and, nevertheless, a few recommendations) in Picton and the Marlborough Sounds. Describing it in a single word? Fantastic, despite the fact that I haven’t seen much!

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Behind the curtains, the work is on…

Unbelievable how many responsibilities knock on your door once you semi-settled somewhere and decided to own some property rather than rent a place. Throw in some holiday planning and leisure activities and you end up with no time for a blog anymore! But instead on being heavy on excuses, let’s roll up the sleeves and get this going.

It’s due time to make some improvements to this little project of mine; all posts have been assigned categories and tags now, making it easier for you to select what to read! The sidebar will be updated next to improve the navigation, and more positive changes will be rolled out in the coming weeks.

Also, I had an idea for a new post series, which should appeal to everybody finding him- or herself in love with NZ’s nature and landscape in general – expect the first part of “Hidden Gems” on this weekend!